Saturday, April 30, 2011


Got an infection?   You could go running to the doctor and get some antibiotics,  side effects and another hole in your pocketbook.  Almost all infections are easy to treat at home with very minimal expense or expertise.

put 1 to 3 drops of lavender oil on the skin around the infected area about 4-6 times per day or whenever you think about it.  You should notice some improvement by the end of the day.  This even works when there is abscessing.  Keep this up at least until it's well on the mend.  If this continues to get worse, that's the time to go to the doctor.
Tea tree oil may work too.
Lavender is powerful stuff.  Don't let the pretty name fool you.

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease”

Yogurt Berry Creme

Mix about a 1/2 cup yogurt with a drop of peppermint oil, a teaspoon of NON Gmo Vanilla Soy protein powder, a teaspoon of hemp powder  and a dash of cinnamon.  Add some fresh fruit to it.  I recommend cut up strawberries, blackberries, blueberries.  There's plenty of fruit combinations available.  Stir it all together.
Makes about 1 serving.

This can be eaten as is.  It's also good on shortcake.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Earthday is over now, or is it?

Earthday is over and done with for another year.  Most of the Earthday celebrations are over.  Were you happy with what you did for Earthday?  If not there's still more chances.  Some of us like to think that every day is Earthday.  Isnt Earthday about cleaning up our planet?  I like to think so.  How about you?  I know a way you could make a difference starting in your own home. Take a look at your cleaners.  Chances are, many of those contain toxic ingredients.  These cleaners leave a residue behind that isnt good for us.  These residues can contribute to health issues such as allergies.  Also sending them down the toilet or sink doesnt make them stop existing.  Many of us have been conditioned to believe that these toxic ingredients are needed in order for the cleaner to work.  This is not the case.  There are non-toxic cleaners available that actually work and in many cases better then their counterparts found in the stores.  A little bit of these cleaners go a long ways so by using them, you will be using less packaging.  A company called Shaklee is having some special deals going on now for a limited time only.  Go to the following link.  If youre not happy with them, theres a %100 money back guarantee no matter how much you use.  What do you have to lose?  You may even find you like them.  Youll have a clean home and be helping the environment at the same time Heres the link again.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I seem to be blessed with a metabolism that allows me to shed weight easily.  I know there are many who aren’t so lucky.  Most diets don’t work as many have found out.  In fact many diets can even do some damage to the muscle.  Sometimes exercise doesn’t do enough.  All that extra weight can cause extra wear and tear on the joints.  That’s why so many overweight people have knee issues.  Another problem with obesity is that the fat collects on vital organs.   As if an overweight person doesn’t have enough problems, some see that person as “fat” and “ugly.”  Some people don’t even want to be seen with the “fat” person.  If you happen to be one of those with metabolism that allows you to shed the pounds easily, this is truly something to be thankful for.  One very good way to show your thanks is to avoid being judgmental towards those who are struggling with obesity.   I don’t see a “fat” person.  I see someone who needs help, but probably doesn’t know where to turn for it.  I can’t help but feel bad for that person.  There is actually hope.  Please read the following stories.
Doug Goodall

- Elana, single mother of five and a teacher, is now a total of 15 1/2 inches and 47 pounds healthier.
The plan was challenging, especially the first week, when Elana had to change her eating habits - then came introducing healthier foods into her diet, then portion control. Yet she prevailed, and today she is thrilled!
For others trying to reach their goals, Elana advises:
“Really, really follow the food plan to a„ Tea‟. I didn't take any short cuts,
and it worked. Cinch gives you the strength and energy you need. Plus, you don't feel that
you're dieting, and soon it becomes a lifestyle.”

“Iwas extremely overweight and facing serious health issues as
a consequence of my weight. I lost 100 lbs and 30 inches,
and feel like Shaklee has given me my life back”
David's mother had recently died from complications caused by
"morbid obesity" at the age of 67. Now, his doctor had just told him
he was on the same path, and prescribed medications for blood pressure
and cholesterol. David says "I was lightheaded and had been having
blackouts and I was exhausted at the end of every work day. I was afraid
that I would not be alive for my own children."
David started the Cinch Inch Loss Plan to lose weight and create a healthier future for himself. After a week, he realized that he was not hungry. Then he noticed that his cravings were gone. Instead of bottles of soda and other unhealthy foods, David has a Cinch snack bar when he wants something sweet and it satisfies him.

Here's a story about yours truly (left click then click "open link in new window")

There is hope.  I personally know people who have lost weight with a Cinch diet.  You can lose the fat and keep the muscle mass.  For more information please check out this site (left click then click "open link in new window").
I can even show you how to make some extra money while losing weight.  Check out this site (Left click then click "open link in new window").
I have a more in depth video about the money making potential I would like to send you.  I just need about 20 minutes of your time.  Please let me know.
Doug Goodall
Aka  Sunandsage

“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease”

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Radiation Poisoning

Hopefully you're not one of the unlucky ones who received a dose of radiation but chances are you did or know someone who did or you wouldnt be reading this.  The dose could be from being near a compromised nuclear facility or even getting radiation therapy.  Iodine could be a good thing to have around but this isn't for preventative purposes.  There can be some side effects if one over does it with iodine.  For more information about iodine, go to the following site.  There are safer options that could be done without concern about overdoing it.
After doing numerous xrays Dr. Forrest Shaklee got radiation poisoning.  This was back in the days before much was known about the risks of x-rays. He was told he was going to have to have his arm amputated.  He chose a different route.  He grew up using natural solutions.  Instead of having his arm amputated he used the naturals he had been working on to fight it.  They worked and his arm was saved.   Dr. Shaklee went on to found a company named Shaklee.  Shaklee is based on being in harmony with nature.  The same exact naturals that Dr. Shaklee used on his radiation poisoning may not be available any more but Shaklee has replaced them with items that have been improved based on years of clinical studies. 

Nutriferon  has antioxidants in it that help prevent damage from radiation since most damage from radiation is from oxidative damage.  It will also help strengthen the immune system.

Vivix and Vitalizer  Together these help repair damaged cells and protect them from further damage.

These products can be used without concern about dangerous side effects.  Even if you feel good now they may help you to feel even better.  You could even make some money too.  Please, let me show you how!

Heres a brief history about Dr. Shaklee.

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Would You Like to have Dark Skies at Night?

Here's a Solution.
Pass this idea around to your friends and especailly your policy makers.  It could not only make the night sky darker for you but conserve energy.
I think road  lighting could be done differently. I see no reason why lights can't be pointed down. Also what if there was some sort of device that detected traffic and only turned on when there was bike or car traffic or in some cases pedestrian traffic?

The Cleaning Power of Basic H

Here's a table that I cleaned using Shaklee Basic H.  This is a totally non-toxic but powerful cleaner.
This is before being cleaned.
Notice the grayish stuff

This is after being cleaned with basic H

For more information about getting Basic H, go to the following link
A little of this goes a long ways and in the long run, it will cost less then what is found at the supermarkets.

I'm not at liberty to say where this table is.

Got Migraines? Read This.

If you’ve ever had a migraine headache, you know how debilitating it can be, lasting for hours and sometimes for days!  It is called a vascular headache meaning that it involves excessive expansion or contraction of the brain’s blood vessels.
There are 2 types: common and classic.  The difference is based on the absence (common) or presence (classic) of symptoms like flashing lights, zig-zag lines, blind spots, speech difficulty, confusion, and tingling or weakness in extremities before the onset of the headache.
There are many known triggers, some of which include food allergies, blood sugar disturbances, constipation, stress load, mechanical injury, liver malfunctions, too much or too little sleep, emotional changes,
lack of exercise, sun glare, flashing lights, changes in barometric pressure, dental problems,  and hormonal fluctations.  Treating a migraine means working with these triggers.
One main cause can be low blood sugar – studies have shown that blood sugar levels are low during a migraine attack, and the lower the blood sugar, the more severe the headache.
Many foods may also trigger migraines – chocolate, citrus fruits, alcohol (red wines), and any aged, cured, pickled, soured or fermented foods.
Some recommendations to help avoid migraine headaches are:
  • Adopt a diet low in simple carbohydrates (white sugar & white flour products), and high in protein.
  • Avoid Aspartame ( NutraSweet).
  • Get moderate, regular exercise.
  • Massage neck and back of head daily.
  • Avoid salt and acid-forming foods (meat, dairy, sugar), fried foods, greasy foods.
  • Eat frequent, small meals to stabilize blood sugar swings.
If you would like to know more about what Shaklee Products you should be taking for Migraines, or even just to feel better contact Doug at:
I will get back to you ASAP!

Below are some of the Shaklee products used to help with Relief for Migraine Headaches:


“These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease”