Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hows your job going? That bad?

Erica Hill talks to Jen Groover, entrepreneur & author of "What If? and Why Not?: How to Transform Your Fears Into Action and Start the Business of Your Dreams" about ready-to-go companies that require a minimal investment of money.

The only requirements are that you be at least 18 and have a willingness to put in the time.  You don’t have to wait until you’re at least 30.  You don’t even have to wait until you’re done with college. Unless you’re dead or to a point where it’s time to move into assisted living, it’s not too late to start now.  Take a look at the following link and give this some serious thought.
Think about this and answer the questions to yourself.  Be honest with yourself.  You’re the one you need to answer to, not me:
How is your present work situation working out for you?
How stable is your work situation?
Are things going on in your present workplace that make you uncomfortable?
Is your present work situation taking you where you want to go in life?
Are you happy just getting by?
Do you have enough free time right now?
Would you be interested in setting yourself up so you don’t have to look for a job again?
For more info shoot me an email

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